Acta Musei Napocensis is the scientific journal of the National Museum of Transylvanian History. It was first published in 1964, one year after the founding of the History Museum of Cluj.
The founder of the journal and its executive editor (in 1976 and 1984) was Ph.D. Prof. Constantin Daicoviciu a member of the Romanian Academy, manager of the History Museum of Cluj, rector of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University, supporter of classical culture and the living soul of the Cluj school of archaeology. Over the years, several renowned scientists and historians acted as editors of the periodical: P. Bunta, H. Daicoviciu, Șt. Ferenczi, I. Kovács, M. Macrea, Șt. Pascu, G. A. Protopopescu, I. I. Russu, N. Vlassa. Among the members of younger generations of editors, one might name N. Cordoș, I. Glodariu, Gr. Marian, I. Mitrofan, Fr. Pap, C. Pop, E. Glodariu, I. V. Ciupea, D. Alicu, Gh. Lazarovici, Șt. Matei, V. Vesa, R. Ardevan, S. Cociș, E. Iaroslavschi, and N. Gudea.
The journal covers a wide range of topics from various domains of history. The research papers, notes, and discussions reflect the results of numerous scientific inquiries into history, archaeology, and the history of art or classical studies, museology, and heritage care.
The 10th issue, published in 1973, is dedicated to the memory of Constantin Daicoviciu, who passed away that very year.
Starting with issue 26-30 (1989-1993), published in 1994, Acta Musei Napocensis was reorganized and, consequently, divided into two sections, one focusing on Prehistory – Ancient History – Archaeology (I) and the other on History (II). Beginning with issue 35-36 (1999), a new format was established for the journal. Since the publication of issue 49 (2012), the articles of the Istorie/Historica section have been published exclusively in foreign languages.
Acta Musei Napocensis. II. Historica was first presented with this title in 2007 and has now reached issue number 61.